Ultimate Bliss Angels Program

Ultimate Bliss Angels Program

Join us to spread the message of Pure Bliss & Absolute Truth.

Who are Ultimate Bliss Angels?

Ultimate Bliss Angels are the persons with sacred heart and soul who spread or want to spread the messages and teachings of Higher Consciousness, Love, Compassion, Life Celebration and Divine Bliss.

Ultimate Bliss Foundation is a global platform to spread the messages and teachings of Higher Consciousness, Love, Compassion, Life Celebration and Divine Bliss throughout the world under the guidance of Swami Aaron as according to his vision.

Who can become Ultimate Bliss Angels?

Anyone who can spare some time every day or every weekend or any time to spread the messages and teachings of Higher Consciousness, Love, Compassion, Life Celebration and Divine Bliss throughout the world under the guidance of Swami Aaron as according to his vision can become Ultimate Bliss Angels.

Ultimate Bliss Foundation will provide you with all the support which you may need to act as an Ultimate Bliss Angel.

For further details, please, WhatsApp / Telegram / Call at +91 98111 31102 or +91 9810 969 067
and also fill-up the following form:


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