Ultimate Bliss Global Food Bank

Ultimate Bliss Global Food Bank

(a revolution against hunger)

Ultimate Bliss Global Food Bank is an initiative of Ultimate Bliss Foundation to start a revolution against hunger globally.

Still a major population across the globe struggle to get two course nutritious food due to unemployment, high money inflation rate, economic slowdown etc. It’s really a shame on our so called technically civilized modern society.

What does Ultimate Bliss Global Food Bank do to help needy people?

Ultimate Bliss Foundation endeavours to open Food Bank across the world. We at Ultimate Bliss Global Food Bank distribute nutritious food tested and certified by nutrition experts to needy people who can not afford to buy required food on their own due to poverty or financial crisis.

How does Ultimate Bliss Global Food Bank generate resources to meets its expenses?

  1. We generate resources through donations.
  2. We generate resources through sponsorship of our Food Banks.
  3. We generate resources through advertisements on our kiosks.

How does Ultimate Bliss Global Food Bank help its donors and sponsors?

  1. We do social branding for our donors and sponsors by exhibiting their ads and posters on our kiosks.
  2. We do social branding for our donors and sponsors by publishing their stories on this webpage.
Do you want to donate or sponsor Ultimate Bliss Global Food Bank in your city?
  1. You can donate any amount of your choice to support our Ultimate Bliss Global Food Bank in any locality of your choice.
  2. You can sponsor Ultimate Bliss Global Food Bank in any locality of your choice for a day or for a week or month or a year or for any duration of your choice.


For further details, please, WhatsApp / Telegram / Call at +91 98111 31102 or +91 9810 969 067
and also fill-up the following form:


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